
Sex (Секс) — в порядке популярности:

For me, penises are a hobby...

The right rhythm

How long?

There is this French couple, sitting up talking, when...

A young boy on his way home from school must pass by a group...

Two elderly Southern women are sitting on the veranda...


What is the definition of a virgin?

A novel idea

Why does Mary Lou Retton smile so much?

One night the Norse god Thor was feeling a bit horny...

Proffessional Terms II

A fellow picked up a girl in a bar and took her home with him...

The guy considered himself lucky to have been able...

A Frenchman was arrested and charged with having sex...

A small mistake

What do Viagra And Disney Land have in common?

The clerk showed the man the store's most expensive perfume...

After working together for a while...

Birth control

What was the first thing Adam said to Eve ?

Mrs. Ogden went to her doctor and said...

The Big Horse Race

Bra sizes

How does a yuppie couple perform doggie-style sex?

Two pedophiles were sitting on the beach...

Jill, a love-starved spinster, was so desperate...

A furrier from the US goes to Helsinki...

The wrong definition

Why do they put strings on tampons?

A couple on their honeymoon woke up after their big night...

Best kind of sex

Sneezing orgasms

What is white and streaks across the sky?

What's the similarity between Bill Clinton and a carpenter?

Little Gregory wakes up in the middle of the night...

The wife of an older man is distraught...

Who's got a bigger crotch?

Why do women fake orgasms?

Anomaly or...

A young couple were married and celebrated their first night...

Household items

A guy steps into an elevator and...

Course of action

Time to quit

What Not to Name Your Dog

What's the difference between oral sex and anal sex?

A nun is walking down a deserted road when...

What is 18 inches long and makes women scream all night ?

Why are women so bad at mathematics?

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