
Miscellaneous (Разное) — в порядке популярности:

How do you get a one armed MAN out of a tree?

If the NSA made toasters...

What's brown and sticky?

Christmas flavor

Dumb Intercourse II


How do you cook vegatables in the microwave ?

The blank tape

If a vegetarian eats vegetables...

What is sicker than sick?

How to Hunt Elephants -- Math style

Two men met at a bar and struck up a conversation...

what do you get when a chicken cross the road falls and...

Tombstone Epitaph VII

Did you hear about the guy who got his vasectomy done at Sears?

Death of Energizer Bunny

If god had wanted us to run around naked...

The story with the moral

This guy was driving down the highway...

How to Hunt Elephants -- VP Style

An abstract joke

A peasant was standing in a field chatting to a bull...

a dyslexic man walks into a...

What is black and sits at the top of a set of stairs?

What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a 4-leaf clover?

A hearty breakfast

Did you hear about the queer deaf mute?

Before you criticize someone...

Shoe shopping

Did you hear that all the toilets at the police station were stolen?

Tombstone Epitaph VIII

A fun game

A great new hearing aid

What is the difference between Prince Charles and OJ Simpson?

What did Mr. Spock find in the toilet?

Why did the pervert cross the road?


A merchant captain and several of his officers...

Another yamamma...


Tombstone Epitaph X

How gross is that?

What sexual position makes an ugly baby?

A woman went down to the Welfare Office to get aid...

What is your date of birth?

Preparation for Parenthood

So you don not know Jack Schitt...

Whats worse than shit on Olivia Newton Johns face?

Did you hear about that guy who was tap dancing?

Grant Bar and Casino

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